HOA Annual Meeting Notice

The Annual HOA Meeting has been scheduled. You should be receiving a notice of the meeting to your homes. The details are as follows:

Meeting Time and Location:

Thursday, March 28th at 6pm
Timberline Church, Meeting Room 201/202


Roll Call
Proof of Notice of Meeting
Approve Minutes of Prior Annual Meeting Directors Report
2019 Budget Presentation
Executive Board Election
Homeowner Comments

Executive Board Position Open:

If you would like to nominate yourself or a neighbor for the open board position, please email hoa@vintage-corp.com

Proxy Form:

If you will not attend the meeting in person, you must sign and email back the Proxy Form (or print and sign and send it with a neighbor) if you want your vote to be counted. There is an increase in dues proposed for the Bungalows and Townhomes. There is no increase in dues proposed for Single Family or Patio Homes.

To send a signed copy back to the HOA please email it to hoa@vintage-corp.com

Please use the correct version of the form (linked below) based on your home type.

If you are unsure about what type of home you live in, please contact the HOA directly.

HOA contact info: hoa@vintage-corp.com or 970 353 3000

The links above contain the formal notices that were sent out to all homes in the HOA and the proxy forms. If you have any additional questions about the Annual Meeting, please contact Vintage Corp directly.

Meeting Notice: Sharp Point/Nancy Gray Connection Project Open House

The City will be hosting another Open House meeting regarding the connection project for Nancy Gray/Sharp Point that will be under construction this spring. You can drop by anytime during this meeting and ask the city reps your questions and share your concerns about the project. You should have received a postcard in the mail with a notice about this meeting too. The meeting details are:

Wednesday March 6th, 5-7pm
Bucking Horse Apartments Clubhouse

You can also find more details on the project at fcgov.com/engineering/sharppoint

Update about the new park on Miles House from the City

This update was provided directly by Kurt at the City. We have a Park Planning Subcommittee as part of the HOA that is sharing thoughts and ideas with Kurt and his team, so if you have thoughts or questions you’d like to share about it. Please go to the Neighbors page and send them in via the Community Coordinator form. Thank you!

Here are some Bucking Horse Park facts:

·         A City owned and operated neighborhood park is planned in the Bucking Horse neighborhood.

·         The park is identified as a future neighborhood park in the 2008 Parks & Recreation Policy Plan.

·         The City does not yet own the park land, but intends to purchase it from the Developer in 2019-20.

·         The neighborhood park will be approximately 6 acres in size, and will be located between Miles House Avenue and the Great Western Railway, north of the existing parking lot located east of Miles House Avenue. 

·         Anticipated elements in the park include a turf area, restroom, playground & concrete walks

·         The neighborhood will have ample opportunity to influence the design of the park through several planned neighborhood meetings.

·         The City plans to begin the design process for Sidehill Park in 2019-20. The construction of the park is tentatively scheduled for 2021-22.


Kurt Friesen, PLA
Director of Park Planning & Development
City of Fort Collins

Fruit Tree Map - Bucking Horse

Please find the fruit planting guide that was just created for the neighborhood.  This is intended to be a living document that the community can build on.  It only includes what has been planted so far in the neighborhood, so as the developer finishes buildings and other natural area and open space improvements are made the numbers will increase. 

We have been discussing in the Budget committee the idea of the HOA investing in some permanent metal tags for the trees so their type and planting year can be easily identified in years to come. More info on that plan to come.

Here is a link to the guide: https://www.dropbox.com/s/04xk4vg0ftvii8t/20190211%20Bucking%20Horse%20Fruit%5B1%5D.pdf?dl=0

Update from Sylvia at the City related to the proposed childcare

Sylvia, the liaison for the City who was the moderator of the neighborhood meeting on Jan 14th just sent out these notes to those that were in attendance. Since not everyone was there, or your email address may not have been recorded accurately, I'm sharing what she just sent out. I will also post this on FB and the Bucking Horse website.

From Sylvia:

Good afternoon, everyone –

 Please find attached the notes from the Sunshine House proposal neighborhood meeting from January 14, 2019. Thank you for your patience with us in getting these out. I realize there may have been people at the meeting who missed the sign-in sheet. I may also have misread hand-writing. Please distribute these notes to your neighbors. Also, they will be available on this page in the coming days: https://www.fcgov.com/developmentreview/agendas.php

 Please let me know if you have questions about these notes or if you feel that your questions or concerns were missed. Please send additional comments to me and/or Ted Shepard: TSHEPARD@fcgov.com

Here are next steps for the project:

  1. The Major Amendment was submitted on January 24th.

  2. Staff comments will be provided to the applicant and design team on February 13th.

  3. At that point, it will be up to the applicant and consultants to respond to staff comments and re-submit their plans accordingly.

  4. The Planning and Zoning Board hearing has not been scheduled yet. 

Documents related to this submittal, including the traffic study and site plan, can be found here:http://citydocs.fcgov.com/?scope=doctype&dn=Current+Planning&dt=SUBMITTAL+DOCUMENTS+-+ROUND+1&vid=185&q=MJA190001&cmd=search

You may also search for “MJA190001” at citydocs.fcgov.com for all updated information, including all rounds of review. Please contact me if you need assistance in navigating this system or would like access to a particular document.

Thank you,


Sylvia Tatman-Burruss | Development Review Liaison

Neighborhood Services, City of Fort Collins

(970) 224.6076 | statman-burruss@fcgov.com  |  www.fcgov.com/neighborhoodservices/ 

Link to the attachment she sent: https://www.dropbox.com/s/uqx8mx35xw8x1vl/BuckHorseSunshineHousenei.pdf?dl=0

Update on Pool Hours in 2019

Just a quick note here. I’ve gathered feedback that the neighborhood would prefer the pool to be open earlier than 10 or 11am this summer. I have shared this feedback with the HOA management and they are including a proposed opening time of 9am in the planning for this summer’s Pool Contractor budget. I will have more updates on that soon.

Also, we requested a “lead lifeguard” or some other type of manager on duty who will ensure lifeguard attentiveness and manage the schedule of the pergola/picnic table area for private parties.

More details to come!

Community Coordinator

Update on the Nancy Gray/Sharp Point connection project

Last week there was an Open House with the City to discuss the upcoming connection project at Nancy Gray/Sharp Point in the Estates/Apartments section of the neighborhood.

The City is planning another neighborhood meeting in March, which I will share here once I have dates and details. All residents in the zone the City feels is affected will also receive a notification to their homes directly from the City.

The City is still working with the Federal Railroad Commission on the Quiet Zone for the train that will cross this intersection multiple times a day.

Below are links to the project status page on the City website and an “FAQ” guide the City created about the project.

To share your concerns, please email the City’s Project Manager Caleb Feaver at cfeaver@fcgov.com

Project summary webpage: https://www.fcgov.com/engineering/sharppoint

FAQ document from the City: https://www.fcgov.com/engineering/files/19-20722-sharp-point-nancy-gray-connection-faq-handout-engineering.pdf

Update on City approval process for the proposed daycare center

The button below is linked to the City’s website where you can keep up with the filings and the approval process for the proposed Sunshine House in Bucking Horse. My current understanding from the City is that it is not officially approved yet, but it is moving forward in the process.

To share your concerns, please contact planner Ted Shepard at tshepard@fcgov.com

Update from the City regarding the City Park on Miles House

Bellisimo, who currently owns the land along Miles House that is to become a City Park, was notified this week that the City is moving forward with the purchase of the land and the planning process for the park.

There is a meeting between Bellisimo and the City in early February to discuss details and timing.

The City will be sending out a letter to residents whose homes are located near the park site within the next week or two describing the planning process and the timeline/milestones for the project.

I will do my best to stay in the loop on all developments related to the park and update them here!

Community Coordinator

PS…if you’d like to volunteer to be on the Park Planning subcommittee for 2019, please go to this page and sign up under “Join a Subcommittee”.

Update from Gino regarding Traffic Study for the proposed childcare center

Passing this info through from Gino and the development team at Bellisimo:

Background - the approval process for the Sunshine House includes a traffic study update requirement that is scoped by a city traffic engineer.  The details of what intersections are to be studied is dictated by the city traffic engineer.   The applicant is required to hire and pay for a traffic engineer to complete the study and submit it to the city traffic engineer for review.  The intent is to ensure that when the project is built the roads still meet a level of functionality.  

Neighbors raised a concern about the traffic study during the neighborhood meeting.  One of the concerns was that the scope of the traffic study was limited to the Miles House and Drake intersection.  Following the neighborhood meeting our traffic engineer contacted the city traffic engineer to share the concern and ask her if she wanted to increase the scope to include Nancy Gray and Miles House and Nancy Gray and Timberline.  The city traffic engineer did not see merit in increasing the scope, however, the Bellisimo team decided to ask the project’s engineer to increase the scope to include Nancy Gray and Miles House.  We did agree with the city engineer and did not include Nancy Gary and Timberline.  This is a fully controlled intersection that they already collect data for.  And, any adjustments needed will be completed through timing of the existing traffic signals.  

Bottom line - we heard traffic concerns at the meeting and although the city did not require it, we increased our private study to include the Nancy Gary / Miles House intersection too.

If you have questions related to the traffic study, please submit them via the Community Coordinator button on this page and I will do my best to find answers. I will also make sure the traffic subcommittee meetings are posted here on the Events page, so if you’d like to volunteer your time for 2019 to be a member of that committee and have an impact on traffic issues in the neighborhood, you can join us at those meetings.

Thank you!
Lindsay, Community Coordinator

Welcome to the Bucking Horse Neighborhood News

Hi all -

After a large uptick in interest related to neighborhood activities and HOA involvement, I’ve added this News section as a centralized place to pass through info from the HOA representatives and Gino/Bellisimo. I will also add news from the City regarding projects happening in and around our neighborhood.

Items from this News section will also make up the content of the monthly newsletter that will be sent to residents who have subscribed to the email list. A link to sign up for the email list is below.

If you’d like to submit information to share on this neighborhood news page, please use the link below.

Thank you!
Community Coordinator