Traffic Update from the City of Fort Collins

From the City of Fort Collins:

"We’re planning to install one more traffic hump on Nancy Gray between Miles House and the new RR track crossing. The patterns of traffic we’re seeing indicate a heavy movement from Miles House to the new connection. We weren’t able to get that installed before the end of construction season in the fall, so it’s on the schedule for this year.

We’re also completing an operational analysis of the intersection of Miles House and Drake Road. Now that the connection has been open for a few months and the traffic patterns seem to be establishing themselves, we’ll take a look at how that intersection has changed, and how’s its functioning.

We continue to work with Liberty Common school on their transportation patterns – both vehicular and with the new connection bike / ped routes from Bucking Horse to the school. We’re reviewing the best way to help students get from the school to the Poudre Trail. "

Jail Expansion Public Hearing

Hi Neighbors, 

A public hearing from the Planning & Zoning Board is coming up on Thursday, January 16th at 6:00 pm at City Hall (300 Laporte Avenue) for the Larimer County Jail Expansion. This is an opportunity for you to provide input on this project as this project could impact the neighborhood, particularly the properties along Cutting Horse and Blue Yonder. It is important that you voice your concerns if you have them, and the public hearing is the place to do so. Please see the attached flyer for more information on the meeting.

Jail Expansion Public Hearing.JPG

Another trash post...

Hi Neighbors!

If you didn't leave your trash and recycle carts out for Waste Management to pick up this last weekend, you need to call Waste Management at 1-866-909-4458 and schedule for them to pick it up. If you haven't received your new carts from Gallegos, there are a few things to do. If you didn't sign up already, please call 970-484-5556 and ask for the residential department & Gallegos will schedule you for delivery. If you did sign up already and didn't receive your carts, please email your address to Blakelee at She will compile a list and send it to Gallegos. If you did sign up and are just missing your recycling bin, then hang tight and it should be delivered by the end of the week. Thank you.

WM Trash Message

Here is a response on the trash delay issue from WM:

“Due to adverse weather conditions in the service area and driver’s safety we had to delay services on Saturday.

We will be recovering the trash on the next service day which will be this Friday 12/6/19. After service the carts will be removed that day and 12/7/19.

Sorry for the inconvenience and understand the frustration.”

Homeowners and the HOA will not be charged extra fees for additional trash. I’d like to add that WM didn’t notify our property manager about this delay either - don’t forget we’re switching to Gallegos next weekend!

Trash Reminder!

Reminder that we are switching over next weekend (Dec. 7 - 9) from Waste Management to Gallegos trash service.

Put your WM cans out on Friday, Dec. 6th for regular pick up. WM will pick them up on the 6th & 7th. If they do not get picked up by the end of the day on Saturday - please let me know or call Waste Management. Your new cans will be delivered on Monday the 9th. We apologize that we will not have carts on the 8th. YOU MUST HAVE SIGNED UP WITH GALLEGOS TO RECEIVE YOUR CANS. If you haven’t done this yet - find the news post on the website regarding signing up.

Thank you.

Bucking Horse Park - Provide Your Input

Thank you to those who were able to attend the park meeting on Wednesday and for providing your helpful feedback to the city.

If you couldn’t make it but would still like to offer your feedback on the park planning, please visit this link: and fill out the form. They will be taking feedback until December 20th to help shape the design of the park. You can also view the presentation from Wednesday night on this link that is highlighted under the Timeline in the Description of the webpage. The feedback form is located on the bottom of the webpage that opens when you click the link above.

Please let me know if you have any questions by emailing

Halloween Party Rescheduled

Good morning everyone! Below is the weather forecast for tomorrow. Unfortunately we are going to cancel our Halloween event due to the cold and potential for snow and wind, as our event was going to be outside. We wanted to do this sooner rather than later so that people had the time to see this post and plan for something else on their Sunday. I hope everyone stays warm and enjoys the snow ❄️

INSTEAD! We are planning to have hot chocolate, marshmallows, and candy at a table out front of the pool house on Halloween night!! So stop by as you make your way across the neighborhood with your kiddos… first come first serve! Please bring your own mugs if you can, we will have cups for the first 100 people but will serve hot cocoa till it runs out! See you then!

Halloween Weather.jpg

Park Update

A property near the Bucking Horse Neighborhood has started the Development Review Process with the City of Fort Collins. The parcel is the old CSA parcel located along Environmental Drive. According to information provided by the City, the project is intended to contain a new park shop building with seven parking spaces and an area for outdoor storage. This project is very early in the process and has only made a Conceptual Review Application. If you or anyone you know would like to offer feedback to the City on the proposed plan or to receive additional information directly from the City, please reach out to Clark Mapes with City Planning or Tenae Beane, who is the Development Review Coordinator for the project.

The City will also be hosting an open house in mid-November to kick off the design process for the park. Information regarding the Park Maintenance Shop will also be shared at this meeting. At the open house, they plan to introduce folks to their department and what their role is with the City. They will be gathering input from you neighbors into what you'd like to see in the park through visual boards. You will be able to put dots on these boards to share your opinions. From the meeting, they plan to gather the input and then put together several park concepts that will then be shared during a second open-house that will take place 2-3 months after the initial open-house in mid-November to gain further input from our neighborhood.

The meeting place and time is TBD. Information will be shared as soon as it is available

Snow Information

The snowy season is quickly approaching!


Here is a reminder on other snow info:

  • Snow removal will begin once the accumulation is 2” on sidewalks, and 3” on drives, as determined by the contractor.

  • Streets are property of the City of Ft. Collins, and will not be plowed by Bath.

  • Snow removal is typically done within 24 hours of cessation of snowfall, when smaller accumulations are predicted. When large accumulations are predicted the contractor may within it’s reasonable judgement begin operations prior to the cessation of snowfall if more than one visit is anticipated.

Transportation Update from the City of Fort Collins

Here is the latest on transportation within Bucking Horse from the City of Fort Collins:

  • The connection of Nancy Gray to Sharp is complete and open.

  • The quiet zone at the crossing has been established. RR engineers are no longer required to blow their horns (they can if needed for safety reasons).

  • We’ve added signage at Miles House / Nancy Gray for side street traffic, and we’re removing some parking close to the intersection on Nancy Gray to improve sight distance for vehicles exiting the apartment complex.

  • We’ve added a speed hump on Nancy Gray just west (south) of the Miles House intersection.

Things they are working on:

  • Working with PSD on bus stop locations for children that have to cross Nancy Gray

  • Working with Liberty Common on their circulation routes and evaluating potential new cross walk locations.

  • Evaluating the intersection of Nancy Gray/ Miles House to determine approach control type (2 way stop or all-way stop), and potential for a crosswalk.


Subcommittee Relaunch Information

Hello Neighbors!

We want YOU to be a part of the Bucking Horse Subcommittees. Please join us for our relaunch meetings to hear about each committee and see if it is something you would like to be a part of.

Relaunch Dates & Times:

Budget | Thursday, October 17th at 6:30 pm

Social/Pool/Horticulture | Monday, October 21st at 6:30 pm

You must RSVP in order to receive an email with the location of each meeting! TO RSVP: visit, scroll to the bottom, click “Apply to be on a Committee”, fill out the form and we will get back to you as soon as we can! Hope to see you soon.

Please email Dani at with any questions or comments.

Resolved Issue on Website Form Submissions

Hi Neighbors,

We discovered and resolved an issue found within the website on October 3rd. Unfortunately, all form submissions from the neighbors page under the buttons “community coordinator”, “pool related”, “landscape related”, and “apply to be on a committee” have not been working. We have resolved this issue, and these forms should all work now. We will consistently test them to make sure these submissions are reaching us.

We have tried to locate all submissions and will be unable to do so. The website provider has looked into this issue and no submissions have been saved on their servers. IF YOU HAVE SUBMITTED A FORM and not heard back - PLEASE RESUBMIT. We want to know your concerns or questions so that we can properly deal with these issues.

We wish we would’ve known about this issue earlier - we are very sorry if your messages haven’t reached us or been dealt with. If you resubmit and still don’t hear back, please email to let us know.

Again, we are very sorry. Thank you for resubmitting any forms with messages that still need to be addressed.

Quiet Zone at Nancy Gray Railroad Crossing is Official!

Hi folks,

From Caleb Feaver, Project Manager from the City of Fort Collins:

“Please let this email serve as official notice that the quiet zone at Nancy Gray crossing Great Western Railway (DOT #934010L) is officially established on October 2, 2019. Required signs have been installed and the location meets all requirements for a quiet zone. The City of Fort Collins has established the quiet zone through public authority designation under section 49 CFR 222.39(a)(1).”

If you notice any issues with the train not following this quiet zone, please let me know.