This update was provided directly by Kurt at the City. We have a Park Planning Subcommittee as part of the HOA that is sharing thoughts and ideas with Kurt and his team, so if you have thoughts or questions you’d like to share about it. Please go to the Neighbors page and send them in via the Community Coordinator form. Thank you!
Here are some Bucking Horse Park facts:
· A City owned and operated neighborhood park is planned in the Bucking Horse neighborhood.
· The park is identified as a future neighborhood park in the 2008 Parks & Recreation Policy Plan.
· The City does not yet own the park land, but intends to purchase it from the Developer in 2019-20.
· The neighborhood park will be approximately 6 acres in size, and will be located between Miles House Avenue and the Great Western Railway, north of the existing parking lot located east of Miles House Avenue.
· Anticipated elements in the park include a turf area, restroom, playground & concrete walks
· The neighborhood will have ample opportunity to influence the design of the park through several planned neighborhood meetings.
· The City plans to begin the design process for Sidehill Park in 2019-20. The construction of the park is tentatively scheduled for 2021-22.
Kurt Friesen, PLA
Director of Park Planning & Development
City of Fort Collins