Hey neighbors, please see below for an exciting message from the HOA Board!
Dear Bucking Horse Residents:
We are excited to announce that the Bucking Horse neighborhood was awarded a $25k grant through the City of Fort Collins Nature in the City (NIC) program! This money will be used to fund the rehabilitation of the native area near the wetland outlet, and will include the removal of noxious weeds, rehabilitation of the soils, installation of a temporary irrigation system and the installation of new plants and grasses. This work will be in addition to the boardwalk crossing that the neighborhood is installing across the wetland outlet. Construction on the boardwalk will occur first and will start at some point in the near future, while the ground is still frozen. The bulk of the work will occur in the spring when irrigation water is available. Work should be completed by mid-summer.
We are excited and grateful for this grant and look forward to seeing the project completed!