From the City today:
The City of Fort Collins has hired a contractor to construct the Sharp Point / Nancy Gray Connection Project. The project consists of a roadway connection between Sharp Point / Midpoint and Nancy Gray including asphalt pavement, curb and gutter, sidewalks, and a railroad crossing. The new roadway will also provide a safe, legal connection across the Great Western Railway with direct access to the Poudre River Trail. Traffic impacts are expected to be minor. Construction is anticipated to begin in April and last approximately 90 days.
As part of the project, Great Western Railway will construct a new roadway crossing at the railroad tracks including full railroad signalization. City staff are working with the Federal Railroad Administration, Colorado Public Utilities Commission, and Great Western to establish a railroad quiet zone. Train horns are expected during construction and for approximately 30 days after the new signals are installed and tested for safety requirements.
A map of the project area is attached.
Project dates are estimates based on favorable conditions; variances may occur due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances.
For more information about the Sharp Point / Nancy Gray Connection Project , please visit or call the Engineering Department at 970-221-6605. For information about railroad safety, please visit the Operation Lifesaver website at